Space, Light, Form 9 - 29 Jun 2023 A group exhibition of Artists exploring themes related to atmosphere in their Art practice. Read more -
TEN2022: Group Exhibition
Grand Opening: Artprenr Gallery 9 - 21 Dec 2022 Gallery opened 9th December 2022.
TEN2022 Landscape Group Exhibition:
TEN2022 Group Exhibition presents 10 unique approaches to landscape by the following artists; Rachel Apelt, Helle Cook, Louise Isackson, Robbie Kirk, Sue Lee, Kellie North, Stephen Nothling, Paula Payne, Tiel Seivl-Keevers and Amica Whincop. Read more -
'Colour Ensembles' Exhibition
Solo Exhibition @ Side Gallery 2020 17 - 30 Aug 2020 With intensely rich and luminous colour, Louise Isackson paints with emotive intent while influenced by her combined passions: Colour and Music. Often hovering between abstraction and realism, Louise Isackson paints with vibrant colour and shimmering brushstrokes to express her passion for sound/colour correlation.
Colour Ensembles is music-in-paint journeying through Light, Sound, Form and Colour. Designed to excite all the senses, this collection of paintings represents the corresponding vibrations of colour alongside select sounds including two famed Miles Davis tracks.
Isackson draws inspiration from Kandinski’s The Spiritual in Art colour correlation theories. She interprets the sensory impact of colour by combining shimmering brush stroke effects with elusive abstract forms. The result is a collision of sound and sight that brings to life the raw emotional experience of music, only splashed across the canvas. Read more -
'Fields of Light' Exhibition
An Exploration of light, colour in circular forms 15 - 29 Aug 2019 Exploring the compositional element of the circular shape. Interlocking orbs that are translucent or opaque. Read more